Be Encouraged


Devotion provided by Trinity United Church of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 3:9-14

In our text for the day, the apostle Paul can hardly contain his joy — and perhaps even surprise — at the reception of the Thessalonian believers. Paul seeks to praise the Thessalonians for their faith and to encourage them to remain true to the mission of Christ even in the face of hardship. We get a glimpse at the earnest longing of Paul to be with the church again and at his certainty that the God who called the Thessalonian believers, is with them, even in Paul’s absence. This letter that Paul has sent to the Thessalonians serves as a reminder to them of the power of the living and true God. In spite of everything that was set against their community, they continued in their faith.  

In our present day, with all of the madness that is going on around us, we must be encouraged to keep our faith and know that God is with us no matter what. Verse 13 has a simple request, that God strengthen their hearts in holiness. In some ways, holiness is similar to love. Both are expressions of the reality of God. God is love and those who encountered God speak of God’s holiness. To live a holy life is to live as a living and breathing expression of the love, life, and reality of God. This reality has already been seen in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. However, to live in holiness does not to make life easier. The trials, tribulations and persecutions experienced by the Thessalonians will not subside once they intensify their imitation of the life, love, and reality of the Lord Jesus. But rather, Paul turns the Thessalonians attention to a higher and more glorious goal, that of the coming of the Lord Jesus. 

As we await the time of Christ’s birth and as we celebrate this year, let us be encouraged that no matter what is going on around us that the Lord is with us always. Through the good times and the bad, the Lord is with us!  EMMANUEL!  

Prayer: Lord, I ask that You continue to walk with me and talk with me and order my steps in Your Word. Let me always be reminded that You are with me with every step that I make and every breath that I take. Amen!  

Thought for the Day: Be encouraged, no matter what's going on, God will make it alright, but you gotta stay strong!  

Rev. Jasmin Taylor


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