Tracking Threatening Executive Orders
This blog article tracks executive orders issued by the current administration that limit affordable healthcare for low-income individuals, target refugees, roll back environmental protections, deepen disparities among marginalized communities, reinforce inequality, and more.
The Lesser of Two Evils!
Today is Election Day. That means today, Tuesday, November 5, is the last day to cast our votes for a host of political offices that have the power to determine the course of the future for our individual and communal lives. CRS encourages all who read this to make that choice.
We Dissent
Our voices will resound stronger, louder, and unbroken in unison and Beloved Community. Our foreparents faced setbacks and obstacles. Still, they rose to the occasion for us and generations yet born. We will carry that spirited fire because it is perpetual and vibrantly inextinguishable through the persistence of our prayers, our protests, and our policies.
Let’s Celebrate Juneteenth by Fighting for Black Liberation
On this Juneteenth, let’s honor our history by continuing our ancestors’ fight for freedom. Read our statement as we celebrate and build political power to ensure that Black liberation is a reality.
2024 PRIDE Events
Join CRS in celebrating love during Pride Month! Check out this list of upcoming PRIDE events happening in Chicago and Illinois.
This Memorial Day holiday, as CRS reflects on lives dedicated to service, moral courage, and the principles of justice, sacrifice, and human dignity, we do so against the backdrop of present-day wars, genocide, and a culture of violence that includes poverty and racism. We are beckoned to memorialize the peacekeepers of our past by being the change agents in this very hour of world suffering and unrest.
Holidays can be hard for many LGBTQIA+ people, especially Thanksgiving, but Friendsgiving can be a lifeline.
Criminalization of Same-Sex Conduct in Uganda
CRS opposes the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act passed in Uganda that criminalizes homosexuality and restricts the liberties of privacy and expression for LGBTQIA+ individuals.
Honoring the Humanity of All
We oppose the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which if passed, would ban transgender youth from accessing gender-affirming care and make it harder for trans adults to get such care.
LGBTQIA+ Rights Under Attack
On June 6, 2023, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) declared a state of emergency for LGBTQIA+ people in the United States. Join us in our efforts to secure and protect human rights and build Beloved Community, a place of equality free of discrimination and hate.
What Does ‘Pansexual’ Mean?
In a exclusive interview with People Magazine, Wayne Brady opened up about his sexuality, saying he is pansexual. Read this blog article to learn what pansexual means and about Brady’s road to self-discovery and acceptance.
Speak Out Against Gender-Based Violence
The Chicago Police Department is inviting the public to join two virtual focus groups to provide feedback on its gender-based violence-related policies. CRS urges your participation as we aim to make Chicago and the world a safer space.
Bayard’s Brigade
Uncover Bayard Rustin's inspiring journey leading the 1964 March on Washington, and explore CRS's initiatives like the Bayard Rustin Fellowship and Bayard's Brigade, connecting inclusive congregations for LGBTQIA+ justice and equity.
Pride & Poetry
CRS is celebrating Pride Month by hosting Pride & Poetry on June 30, a free open mic with two featured poets, Tarnynon Onumonu and Goddess Warrior the Poet. Learn more about the event and poets below.
Does the Church Love Us?
CRS is celebrating Pride Month by hosting “Does the Church Love Us?” on June 10. Learn more about this event and meet the panelists and moderator here.
CRS Pride Month 2023 and the Journey Towards Equality
CRS recognizes the importance of working in the LGBTQIA+ space and addressing issues of intersectionality. This recognition is part of a broader shift in the field of social justice, which has increasingly acknowledged the importance of considering multiple intersecting forms of identity and oppression.
Watch our Chicago Community Conversation Here!
The forum brought together a diverse group of community members, congregations, moderators, panelists and candidates to discuss issues that are important to our city, and our community's engagement during the event helped to create a lively and informative discussion.
Equality Act
With the recent increase in anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation by states, we invite you to also join our call to the U.S. Congress to pass the Equality Act.
2022 Annual Membership Assembly Discussion Guide
This year’s theme is Together, We Win! These questions can be used to guide conversation with your congregation after viewing the 2022 Annual Membership Assembly video. We would love to hear from you the thoughts and plans that came out of your discussion.