Tracking Threatening Executive Orders
This blog article tracks executive orders issued by the current administration that limit affordable healthcare for low-income individuals, target refugees, roll back environmental protections, deepen disparities among marginalized communities, reinforce inequality, and more.
The Lesser of Two Evils!
Today is Election Day. That means today, Tuesday, November 5, is the last day to cast our votes for a host of political offices that have the power to determine the course of the future for our individual and communal lives. CRS encourages all who read this to make that choice.
Justice Is the Boulder We Push
CRS and our member congregation, Urban Village Church, Wicker Park, co-hosted a virtual gathering on October 23. This online meeting set out to educate our network on the battle to end pretextual traffic stops in Chicago and empower folks to mobilize because, as asserted before, when we fight, we win.
When We Work, We Win
CRS co-hosted a prayer vigil with our member congregation, Urban Village Church, at Grace Church of Logan Square for our “We Won’t Bury the Slain: Day of Action” on September 18. Together with site pastors and Black, Brown, white, and LGBTQIA+ communities in Chicago, we embodied the longstanding tradition of acting in solidarity in the pursuit of justice.
We Dissent
Our voices will resound stronger, louder, and unbroken in unison and Beloved Community. Our foreparents faced setbacks and obstacles. Still, they rose to the occasion for us and generations yet born. We will carry that spirited fire because it is perpetual and vibrantly inextinguishable through the persistence of our prayers, our protests, and our policies.
Juneteenth Village Fest 2024
CRS rang in Freedom Day early and boosted backing for the Free2Move Coalition’s campaign and their petition to end pretextual stops by canvassing at the June 15 Juneteenth Village Fest hosted by It Takes A Village Family of Schools. Check out photos from the fest here!
Let’s Celebrate Juneteenth by Fighting for Black Liberation
On this Juneteenth, let’s honor our history by continuing our ancestors’ fight for freedom. Read our statement as we celebrate and build political power to ensure that Black liberation is a reality.
2024 Juneteenth Events
In honor of the Juneteenth holiday on June 19, join CRS in uplifting freedom for all! Check out this list of upcoming events happening in Chicago and Illinois.
Traffic Stop Resources
As CRS calls on transparent conversations about the Chicago Police Department’s use of excessive force in relationship to Black, Brown, and Indigenous people of our Beloved city, we share a list of traffic stop resources in partnership with the ACLU of Illinois.
Stop Killing Us
In America, policing has almost become synonymous with Black death. The March 21 killing of Dexter Reed (26) in Chicago is yet another horrific example of the ways in which Black bodies are violently and fatally endangered when they come in contact with law enforcement. They can’t keep killing us. The excessive use of force must stop!
Honoring the Humanity of All
We oppose the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which if passed, would ban transgender youth from accessing gender-affirming care and make it harder for trans adults to get such care.
Where Have All the Prophets Gone?
CRS is steadfast in its commitment to honoring the sanctity of life. We grieve the loss of all lives impacted by the culture of violence across the global diaspora, perpetuated through war, racism, poverty, disinheritance, xenophobia and all crimes against humanity, including white supremacist patriarchal systems of oppression.
CRS & Coalition Partner CRLMC Condemn the Murder of Wadea Al-Fayoume
CRS is a member of the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago (CRLMC), which issued a joint statement in response to the racialized murder of 6-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume, targeted due to xenophobia and religious identity.
Imagining the Indian
As people of faith, our mission aligns with the responsibility to recognize challenges and injustices and take action. Being an ally means actively unlearning and relearning in the pursuit of a more accurate, respectful and inclusive understanding of Native American culture and history.
Black Philanthropy: A Catalyst for Change
Underfunding and underrepresentation of Black-led nonprofits is prevalent within the philanthropic landscape, and addressing these issues require a comprehensive approach that acknowledges historical inequities, promotes representation and prioritizes equitable distribution of resources.
Our Hopes for the New CPD Superintendent
Here is our statement in response to the selection of CPD Counterterrorism Chief Larry Snelling as the next police superintendent for Chicago.
Long Delayed Justice for Henrietta Lacks
On August 1 of this year, what would have been Henrietta Lacks’ 103rd birthday, biotech company Thermo Fisher Scientific reached a settlement with Henrietta’s family for profiting from the use of Henrietta’s cells without her consent.
Importance of Remembrance
CRS Communications Intern Katie Masano Hill reflects on the importance of remembrance.
Resources for Dealing with Extreme Weather
To support Chicagoans impacted by high temperatures, flooding, and tornadoes, CRS released a list of extreme weather resources from local, state and federal agencies. Read this blog article to access the resources.
Japanese Americans Join the Fight for Reparations
CRS Communications Intern Katie Masano Hill shares about Japanese American support for African American reparations.