Impact-Driven Leadership Training
Our Organizing and Policy Department offers leadership training opportunities to member congregations, community leaders and organizations to build powerful, knowledgeable leaders who can make change.
This training provides the skills to build relationships, power and new justice ministries within congregations.
This full-day training provides CRS member congregations with the basic skills to get started with congregational organizing.
It moves from building a biblical understanding of why we participate in justice ministries to introducing basic concepts to build relationships, power and new justice ministries in their congregations.
CRS Organizing staff will bring this training to congregations with at least 20 participants.
Sessions include:
• Living Out the Gospel Call to Do Justice
• The Life Tree
• Values Triangle
• Relational Meetings
• Creating Justice Ministries
CRS’ flagship, faith-based training identifies key organizing principles, how values influence those principles and how you can become an effective organizer and leader. Presented in a highly interactive and agitational setting, this training will invite you to challenge your assumptions, expand your skills and grow as a leader.
Community Renewal Society’s flagship three-day training teaches participants to understand key organizing principles, how their values impact those principles and how to build the skills and understanding to become an effective public leader and organizer for change. Presented in a highly interactive and agitational setting, this training will invite you to challenge your assumptions, expand your skills and grow as a leader.
Sessions include:
• The Melian Debate
• History and Principles of Organizing
• The Life Tree
• Values Triangle
• Relational Meetings
• Agitation and Accountability I
• Base Building and Propositioning
• Effective Meetings
• Defining Issues
• Power Analysis I
• Public Actions I
• Campaign Building and Analysis I
Nehemiah Advanced Organizing Training teaches participants advanced skills for congregational organizing with a focus on building powerful congregations, leadership development and advanced strategies for winnable campaigns and serves as a follow-up to our Three Day Community Organizing Training.
As a follow-up to our Three Day Community Organizing Training, Nehemiah Advanced Organizing Training teaches participants advanced skills for congregational organizing with a focus on building powerful congregations, leadership development and advanced strategies for winnable campaigns.
Sessions include:
• Building a Powerful Church
• Transformational Leadership
• Leadership Development Strategies
• Agitation and Accountability II
• Public Speaking & Media Communications
• Online Organizing
• Campaign Building and Analysis II

Advocacy Training
Advocacy, Policy, Passion and Power.
The Organizing and Policy Department offers educational workshops to help community leaders and advocates better understand key issues, the state legislative process and how to be an effective advocate. Legislators at local, state and national levels of government listen to their constituents—legislators want and need to hear your perspective. Learn how to be heard with clarity and conviction.
What do your city elected officials make decisions on, how does public policy impact you and why should you care as a person of faith?
What is faith-rooted advocacy and how do you do it? Your voice is vitally important. Learn how to be an effective social change advocate, how a bill becomes a law in Illinois and how to run productive legislative meetings.

Request a Speaker
Community Renewal Society offers enriching and stimulating sermons and lectures to congregations and other groups. Want to get your congregation involved with CRS campaigns, learn about our Platform for Renewal and receive training on how to be an advocate? Invite one of our staff members to be a guest speaker for your congregation!