Carrying the Torch

I know it’s been awhile.

Truth is my heart has been heavy and I was having a hard time encouraging myself, but God has truly blessed me as I've come out of this valley moment on the heels of the denial of any chance for justice for our sister, Breonna.

I was carrying some things and the truth is we all carry things.

There was a popular book about the Vietnam War entitled The Things They Carried  The question is what are we carrying?

“I feel like it's my job to carry the torch.” — Joan Jet

I’m reminded of the story of Diogenes who carried a torch looking for an honest man.  What are we carrying a torch for?  There is the old saying about carrying a torch for a lost love.  We all have experiences that leave an imprint on us in some way.  Some of those experiences are for the good, and some not so good.  How often do we let old hurts and disappointments linger?  Is that, in some way, carrying a torch?

We can also carry a torch in another way.  We can carry a torch that illuminates the way for others.  We can let others light their torch from our torch.  We can be guided by the torch of others.  No doubt we are all, to a certain extent, walking in some darkness now.  One need only look at the news to see the darkness around.  Truly, one only need to be black and living in America to experience darkness.  The question is are we going to let that darkness conquer?

We have choices to make.  We can choose to hide in the darkness, we can try and light our torch and forge our own path or we can light our torch and seek out others with their torches.  Some may have a bright flame we can follow, some may have a smaller flame and could use our support.  Some may want to use their torch to light a path to their own ends.  The key will be taking the risk to find those who have lit their torches to forge a new path that will lead to a just, compassionate and inclusive society.

I've picked up my torch.  

What will you be carrying a torch for today?

Rev. Ebony D. Only
Director Human Resources 
Community Renewal Society


What about Native Americans and Indigenous peoples?


GAPA Statement from Alderman Sawyer and Alderman Osterman