Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act

Our work to stop illegal guns from entering our communities continues in a new effort, SB 337 SA 3, the Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act.

This bipartisan legislation incorporates key provisions of the Gun Dealer Licensing Act (SB 1657, which was vetoed by Governor Rauner in March), as well as provisions to better record and track private sales. It treats all gun dealers the same, eliminating the “big box store exemption” in previous legislation.

Sponsored by Senator Don Harmon and Representative Kathleen Willis, SB 337 passed the Senate by a vote of 35-18-2 on May 16, 2018! It is now pending in the House.

Take action now: Tell your representative to support SB 337 SA 3 to combat illegal gun trafficking and keep our children safe.

The Combating the Illegal Gun Trafficking Act creates a Firearm Dealer License Certification (FDLC) process with the Illinois State Police and requires:

  • Gun dealers to implement a safe storage plan for firearms during retail hours and after closing;

  • Posting of signage reminding employees and customers to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have access;

  • Certified licensees to make a copy of the buyers or transferee’s valid FOID card or ID and attach it to the documentation detailing the sale;

  • Employees to have annual training regarding legal requirements, identifying straw purchasers and responsible business practices; and

  • Certified licensees to have their place of business open for inspection by the Illinois State Police and local law enforcement.

Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in Illinois. It is time for a statewide response. This legislation would make a significant impact on curbing a major source of illegally trafficked firearms from entering our communities and keeping our children safe.

We will continue to work with the Illinois Gun Violence Prevention Coalition and Our One Job campaign to advance the Combating Illegal Gun Trafficking Act, but we need your voice, too!

Take action now: Tell your representative to support SB 337 SA 3 to combat illegal gun trafficking and keep our children safe.


Act Now To Support The F.A.T.E. Bill


Our One Job: Override Gun Dealer Licensing Veto