Congregational and Partner Awards

Community Renewal Society recognizes leaders, congregations and legislators for their exceptional commitment to addressing racism and poverty at the Annual Membership Assembly.

Past Congregational and Partner Awards

  • Yvonne V. Delk Moral Courage Legacy Award: Given to a trailblazer, visionary and advocate for human rights displaying integrity and courage.

  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award: presented to a person who embodies the meaning of justice and faith in action.

  • City on the Hill Award: presented to a church that has been at the forefront of our work, turning out to events and intentionally building power to move the CRS Platform for Renewal.

  • Partner Award: presented to individuals who embody extraordinary partnership in any of our campaigns.

  • Legislative Lighthouse: recognizes a trailblazer and intentional legislative partner who championed the issues affecting our communities.

  • Memorial/Cloud of Witness Award: honors CRS leaders who put their faith in action during their lifetime.


  • Inaugural Yvonne V. Delk Moral Courage Legacy Award – Rev. Dr. Jorges Morales and Anjanette Young

  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Rev. Jason Coulter, Rev. Ronald Howell, Kim L. Hunt and Jia Johnson

  • The City on the Hill Award – Christ Universal Temple and McCormick Theological Seminary

  • Partner Award – Empowering Communities for Public Safety (ECPS). Organizations include Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (CAARPR), Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), SEIU Health, Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUS), Target Area, One Northside, and Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN).

    Coalition to End Money Bond. Organizations include Believers Bail Out, Chicago Metropolitan Association of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ, Illinois Justice Project, The People’s Lobby, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Illinois, Nehemiah Trinity Rising, Workers Center for Racial Justice, Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation (SOUL), Shriver Center on Poverty Law, Chicago Community Bond Fund, Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts, The Nest Movement and A Just Harvest

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – Illinois Senator Robert Peters


  • Inaugural Yvonne V. Delk Moral Courage Legacy Award – Rev. Dr. Yvonne V. Delk

  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Dr. Sammie Dortch (posthumously)

  • Partner Award – Allison Anderson, Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Triche Atkins, and Chuck Ruth 


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Bishop Sally Dyck & the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church

  • City on the Hill Award – Old Saint Patricks’ Church

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – Representative Curtis J. Tarver, II

  • Partner Award – Chicago Police Consent Decree Community Coalition: American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, Communities United, Equip for Equality, NEXT STEPS NFP, and Organizing Neighborhoods for Equality (ONE): Northside


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Terris "Terry" Clark

  • City on the Hill Award – Third Unitarian Church of Chicago

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – State Senator Daniel Biss (D-9)

  • Partner Award – American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois (ACLU)


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Cindy Greenwood & Karlos Lloyd

  • City on the Hill Award – Arlington Heights Faith in Action Team (St. John UCC, Southminster Presbyterian, First UMC, St. James Catholic Church, Our Savior Lutheran, Congregational UCC)

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – Rep. David Harris

  • Memorial/Cloud of Witness Award – Marge Frens & Gale Lewis


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Mazell Sykes

  • City on the Hill Award – Shiloh Baptist Church, Waukegan

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – Rep. Camille Lilly

  • Partner Award – UMC Chicago Urban Strategy


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Rev. Eddie L. Knox, Jr., D. Min., Pullman Presbyterian & Teleza Rogers, Way of Life International Church, FORCE member.

  • City on the Hill Award – Southminster Presbyterian Church

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – Representative Kelly Cassidy

  • Partner Award – Beth Johnson, Cabrini Green Legal Aid/ Sam Tuttle, Heartland Alliance


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Christina Rice

  • City on the Hill Award – New Landmark Missionary Baptist Church

  • Legislative Lighthouse Award – Senator Don Harmon

  • Partner Award – Ali Abid, Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice


  • John Purdy, Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Marlon Chamberlain

  • City on the Hill Award – Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation

  • Public Servant Lighthouse Award – Representative LaShawn K. Ford


  • John Purdy Sr. Memorial Leadership Award - Father Larry Dowling

  • City on the Hill Award - Kingdom Baptist Church

  • Public Official Lighthouse Award - Alderman Walter Burnett


  • John Purdy Sr. Memorial Leadership Award – Rev. Robert Biekman, Southlawn United Methodist Church

  • City on the Hill Award – Valor Faith Ministries

  • Public Official Lighthouse Award – Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Michelle Saddler


Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories


Empowering Communities for Public Safety Fact Sheet