CRS Pushes Back Against Voter Suppression

In 2020, participation in elections from communities of color saw record turnout. Today’s fighting spirit engaged millions of like-minded, civically-inspired individuals. Remembering the lessons of the past, we showed up and showed out during the 2020 election, which saw record turnout, despite new voting restrictions.

In 2021, the exercise of their constitutionally protected right resulted in legislation by states across the country to make it harder for those same citizens to vote. Again, voting rights found itself in the crosshairs of states’ rights, with the inclusionary and equal idea of “one person, one vote” threatened.

Federal legislation H.R. 1, also known as “For the People Act” is important today more than ever. The landmark bill, passed by the United States House of Representatives but blocked by the US Senate, represented the largest overhaul of U.S. elections in a generation, potentially affecting nearly every component of the American electoral process.

Thanks to baseless and widely disputed claims of massive voter fraud, claims rejected even by the U.S. Supreme Court, we are experiencing a resurgence of ‘Jim Crow, Jr.’, ushering in a new 21st century era of the old social and racial inequities aimed at Black and Brown voters.

Many states, including Georgia, Florida, Arizona and Texas, have pushed (and passed) new, restrictive voting rules following the highly divisive 2020 elections. This is an all-out assault against our Democracy and, just as the assault on January 6th, it must be stopped. Conservative legislators in state capitols across the nation are pushing an unprecedented wave of more than 400 bills aimed at restricting access to the ballot box. The amalgamated focus of these bills would restrict early voting hours, tighten absentee ballot eligibility, increase voter identification requirements, and eliminate ballot drop boxes and drive-thru voting centers. 

While Republicans say the bills are aimed at preventing voter fraud, Progressives contend these measures are specifically aimed at undermining the voting rights of minority, new immigrant and indigenous peoples. Working in collaboration with other organizations and activists, CRS will not allow this to happen in Illinois and will support our partners across the country.

Community Renewal Society pledges to continue working against all forms of voter suppression, supporting advocacy groups, community organizations and our private sector partners to strengthen voting rights, as well as push for passage of voting rights legislation on Capitol Hill.

Learn more about CRS’ work to fight inequality and email us to get involved and register for our monthly volunteer leader's meeting by visiting our events calendar.  We look forward to working together with you to build Beloved Community.  

In Solidarity,

Rev. Damon Smith
CRS Congregational Organizer


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