Faith Week for Fair Tax

The election and the vote for a Fair Tax amendment is 37 days away. Illinois is one of only eight states that require a flat tax rate. This means that, proportionately, individuals of lower income pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes. Changing this restriction would require an amendment to the Illinois State Constitution. A vote to allow for a graduated income tax will be held in November. 

Rev. Alan Taylor, Senior Minster for CRS member congregation, Unity Temple in Oak Park shared his op-ed in support of this amendment

Some believe that this amendment will allow the government to increase taxes. This is incorrect. The amendment would only change how taxes are structured. Our state government already has the freedom to increase taxes as long as everyone is taxed at the same rate. This happened in 2011 when the state income tax rate was increased from 3% to 5%, lowered to 3.75% in 2015 and then increased to 4.95% in 2017. 

If the amendment passes, all households earning less than $250,000 in taxable income would see no change or a decrease in their income tax bill. According to a New York Times article, “If the Fair Tax had been in place over the past two decades, it would have effectively transferred $50 billion in wealth from this richest 3 percent to everyone else.” 

Furthermore, up to $3 billion in additional dollars could be collected to support social services, education and healthcare. 

Some state that they will not vote for this amendment until pension reform passes. While pension reform is needed, failing to pass this amendment will not solve a problem that has been ignored by our politicians for decades. 

Learn more about why you should vote YES for Fair Tax at the Fair Tax Town Hall, co-sponsored by CRS on October 26. We invite faith leaders to sign on as endorsers and individuals to show their support for this change to the Illinois State Constitution. Find the full schedule for Faith Week for Fair Tax and share the word. 

Your voice and your actions are needed now more than ever. Register to attend We Must Breathe, CRS' 138th Annual Membership Assembly and donate to support CRS in its outreach.  

In Service,

Catherine Hegarty
Manager of Development & Communications
Community Renewal Society


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