Join CRS in the Fight for Justice: Five Ways to Get Involved

Your voice is needed! Grassroots organizing and public policy advocacy requires consistent work by individuals, especially those from communities most impacted by systemic racism and structural inequality. Community Renewal Society works with more than 50 member congregations located throughout the Chicago metro area to engage their congregants in campaigns for social justice.  Working primarily through Faith in Action and Issue Teams, CRS advocates for public policies that create opportunity and remove barriers due to poverty and race. Our success in passing legislation is the result of thousands of dedicated individuals working together.

This year, CRS staff, member congregations and volunteers are working towards justice in the following areas. 

Here are five easy ways to get involved in social justice with Community Renewal Society. 

  1. Follow CRS on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

  2. Join or start a Faith in Action Team at your local congregation. Email Us.

  3. Enroll in our monthly Leader & Volunteer Meeting by visiting our events calendar.

  4. Join an Issue Team. Email Us.

  5. Make a one-time or monthly donation.

We invite everyone, whether you are connected with a member congregation or not, to support this vital work with your contributions, by sharing social media posts and emails, attending peaceful protests and calling or emailing government representatives. Each of us, working together, can build a more just and equitable society.  

In Peace and Justice,

Catherine Hegarty
Manager of Development & Communications
Community Renewal Society


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