Lift Up Your Voices like a Trumpet to Let the Oppressed Go Free

Isaiah 58:1, 6 and related verses speak to us in the faith community and to people of conscience to "Shout out, do not hold back! Lift up your voices like a trumpet to let the oppressed go free." 

I represent pastors in the Chicago Metropolitan Association of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ, the Community Renewal Society and the Interfaith Council of the Hyde Park and Kenwood Communities.

We are here in Springfield to "Shout Out" against the inhumane, oppressive, immoral proposed cut by Governor Rainer that will devastate the poor and middle class citizens of this great state of Illinois.

To shout out against: Medicaid cuts, against cuts in child care services, educational and mental health programs and similar programs that will destroy our communities.   

To shout out in support of raising revenues by taxing the wealthy and corporations.

RAISE REVENUE by enacting a fair and equitable State income tax so that all of the citizens of this great State of Illinois will pay their fair share. 

We are shouting out:  DON'T Cut! Don't cut! Don't Cut! Raise Revenue! Raise Revenue! Raise Revenue!  So that all of God's children will receive the same resources from this great state of Illinois that we call home. 


--Reverend Alice Harper-Jones, Associate Pastor for Social Justice at Kenwood United Church of Christ in Chicago


Join Westside Residents to Demand Good Jobs and Housing


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.