Statement on Behalf of African Women for the Release of Brittney Yevette Griner

We share this letter written by Women’s All Points Bulletin, a Black women-led organization in Chicago, imploring the United States Government to work for the immediate release of Brittney Griner. 

April 11, 2022

Statement on behalf of African women for the release of Brittney Yevette Griner


Dear Vice President Kamala Harris,

Brittney Y. Griner, an elite athlete, Africana woman, and citizen of the United States is being held hostage in Russia for allegedly violating Paragraph C of Part 2 of Article 229.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – smuggling of narcotics drugs in a significant amount.

We, Africana women of the United States, take offense to these alleged charges and Brittney being held hostage especially during the Russian War in the Ukraine.

We take offense because Brittney, although American, is a member of the African diaspora and her capture by a foreign nation is a personal affront to African peoples everywhere and especially women of African descent. We do not take this matter lightly and feel it is necessary to vehemently voice our disdain for what we and many others consider a politically motivated “detainment.”

We take offense because the National Library of Medicine specifically states in “Marijuana’s effects on human cognitive functions, psychomotor functions, and personality,” that, “marijuana is complex chemically and not yet fully understood, but it is not a narcotic.”

We understand the Russian government and many others have classified cannabis as a narcotic but neither scientifically, nor technically, does this designation or argument hold water. 

Additionally, part of the alleged charges is that Brittney had “smuggled a significant amount.” Again, we take offense. We do not consider her to be a “smuggler” or the alleged amount to be “significant.” Understanding the Russian Federations extremely conservative laws against cannabis, but also pointing to its own citizens’ investment in the industry, we find these charges disingenuous and over-reaching. 

In the United States of America, the House just passed a bill to legalize cannabis, and 37 states allow for the medicinal use of cannabis. In the US and in the Africana community we find that the criminalization of cannabis has roots in racism and do not accept the US or any other country’s excuses when attempting to convince the public of cannabis’ detriment while hypocritically supporting alcohol consumption, a drug that has been linked to more deaths, violent behavior, and rape than any other drug on the Schedules.

We make our initial cannabis arguments knowing that they may not sway the Russian Federation, but we believe that Brittney is owed at the very least, due process, as a foreign visitor, and a high level of justice and fairness. Let us not forget she was visiting Russia to play basketball in its UMMC Ekaterinburg league and has played her last 7 years of the WNBA off-season there. She is a very well-known and respected athlete in Russia.

Per an al Jazeera report, we know too that Brittney’s arrest and detainment is ultimately political, all excuses aside. We are aware that her immediate family, including her extended family in the African diaspora, and Africana women in the USA, are concerned with her continued well-being and seek her immediate release.

This is why we are requesting that you negotiate her immediate release and that you pick a suitable political ally, (we recommend Bill Richardson) to sit at the table until her release is secured, if necessary.

In the Decade of People of African Descent, the year that begins the UN’s Permanent Forum on People of African Descent and the UN’s George Floyd Resolution (A/HRC/47/L.8/Rev.1) we, women of African descent demand the attention and respect we deserve in regard to this letter imploring the United States Government to free Brittney Yevette Griner. 

We reject the idea that African people must either “protest on the streets” or be silent in order to free Brittney, as if we are not diplomats, ambassadors, and counselors in our own right. We reject Brittney being held as a prisoner and pawn in this Eurocentric warring world. We reject the present strategy and therefore repeat our calls to the US Government:

  1. Transfer Brittney’s case to the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs (SPEHA)

  2. Immediately negotiate for Brittany’s and other US nationals’ release in exchange for Russian nationals 

  3. Announce that Brittney is being held by the Russian government and that negotiations are in the works for her immediate release

  4. Apologize to Africana women of the United States for suggesting we sit silently while one of our own languishes in a Russian prison without our knowledge or advocacy

  5. Negotiate a live unhampered video feed of Brittney to prove she is well

  6. Have Brittney released from Russia under due process to return for trial, if necessary

Submitted by 

Crista E. Noel
Women’s All Points Bulletin, WAPB
833-933-WAPB (9272)


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