Transformation Team Launch

CRS’ Transformation Team Launch

In keeping with Community Renewal Society’s mission to “transform society toward greater social justice at the intersection of racism and poverty,” CRS is creating an Anti-Racism Transformation Team.  The transformation team will be committed to dismantling institutional racism within CRS in all of its forms.  

We are looking for a group of diverse individuals who have a love for Community Renewal Society to lead this inspiring work. Applications are now available and must be completed by January 31, 2020. Submit your application today! 

Additional information is available on the Transformation Team Overview section of our website. 

Information Sessions

Join us at an information session for more information on what it means to serve on the Anti-Racism Transformation Team.
Session #1
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 10 am - 12 pm
Old St. Pat’s Refectory, 718 W. Adams, Chicago, IL
Register today!
Childcare will be provided.

Session #2
Wednesday, January 22, 2020, 12 - 1:30 pm
111 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 820, Chicago, IL
Register today!

For more information, contact


A Fair Tax for Illinois


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