Voices in the Wilderness

The Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine held a die-in in collaboration with Christians for Ceasefire on June 22 outside of The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (The Israel Lobby, also known as America’s Pro-Israel Lobby) office.   

Community Renewal Society (CRS) calls for a permanent end to acts of genocide and apartheid amidst the suffering and disinheritance of Palestinian people. CRS was among a host of faith and community leaders urging public officials to broker an immediate ceasefire. In my statement at the action, I shared, “We must find the courage to be the voices in the wilderness so that freedom rings loudly and profusely.”

Hundreds of people dressed in the colors of the Palestinian flag or carried one and wore keffiyehs. Many protestors wrapped their bodies in cloth with red paint to depict death and inhumane conditions in Palestine.  

Others chanted to echo Palestinian and pro-Palestinian voices and magnify the messages of brave students unjustly arrested because they spoke out against apartheid, mass murder, and Zionism. We sought to pressure elected officials and institutions in the United States to end the country’s funding to Israel. We continue to grieve the lives lost across the global diaspora due to a culture of violence and oppression and have compiled Anti-War Peace Efforts resources. 

Assist CRS in condemning all forms of violence and upholding our fundamental values of love and justice by contacting your senators and representatives to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire resolution.  

Check out a video and photos from the march. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X for media coverage of Israeli forces in Palestine.  

Rev. Dr. Waltrina N. Middleton Executive Director


We Dissent


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