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Art Confronting Injustice

Feature Artists:


Robert Pitts (aka Black Remus), born and raised on the south side of Chicago, has a  passion that lies in telling the stories of his communities and the stories of the marginalized. A jack of all trades, Robert experiments in the visual arts, having photographed everything from (local) marches to a snapshot of life in Hyderabad, India. Robert has had artwork displayed in the Harold Washington Library in Chicago and his first solo show at Agitator Art Gallery was in 2018. Robert’s goal is to create work that is raw, creative and confrontational, and that reflects not just his upbringing as a black kid from the south side of Chicago but also a black man who has the dual existence in complex society using humor, pop culture, symbols and isms to make fun of and challenge that complex society. Robert is currently working on a new series while pursuing his Doctorate in African Diasporic studies at the University of Buffalo.

Candace Hunter, a native of Chicago, studied the plastic arts /performance arts at Barat College of the Sacred Heart and fine art at Mundelein College. A child of formally educated parents – a mother with wanderlust, a COBOL speaking father – Candace traveled throughout Europe and northern Africa before the age of ten. Seeing the wee small girl in the enormous “Watchman” at the Louvre, the foot of the pyramids at Giza, and the ceiling of the Basilica in Rome at such an early age, cemented the idea of beauty, grandeur and of service. Hunter’s active practice, creates worlds in which she honors family, sacred text, justice and water scarcity through a variety of media.

May 1

McCormick Theological Seminary Solidarity Building Initiative Teach-In: Know Your Power as a Juror

June 4

COG-SJC Women's RISE Retreat