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Know Your Rights Presentation

Watch "Electronic Monitoring and Pretrial Justice Reforms: Know Your Rights Under the Pretrial Fairness Act" 

On Wednesday, December 8th, the Illinois Network for Pretrial Justice hosted a Know Your Rights presentation on the Pretrial Fairness Act's reforms to electronic monitoring, a majority of which go into effect on January 1, 2022. This breakdown was followed by a discussion with Cook County Public Defender Sharone Mitchell, Jr., Truthout Editor-in-Chief and Author of Prison by Any Other Name, Maya Schenwar, and Director of the Reclamation Justice Project at the Women's Justice Institute, Colette Payne. The panel reflected on the impact of these historic changes and discussed how we can continue to push back against the expansion of electronic incarceration.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

December 7

Water For Stateville Car Caravan

December 8

Electronic Monitoring and Pretrial Justice Reforms