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On Faith & Freedom Teach-In On The Pretrial Fairness Act

Join the Coalition to End Money Bond on February 15th at 6pm for a focused, energizing virtual teach-in for clergy and people of faith throughout Illinois on the Pretrial Fairness Act and the movement for pretrial freedom. There will be an opportunity to reflect on how our respective faiths call us to defend this historic transformation of our state’s pretrial justice system, with a presentation followed by time for discussion. We want you to be equipped with factual information on:

- The Pretrial Fairness Act

- The community effects of ending money bond

- The reason we need to continue engaging this movement as people of faith and conscience

We hope this time will inspire you to share this experience and knowledge with the communities you serve, and to join the movement for pretrial freedom in Illinois!

February 8

Restoring Opportunities and Justice Reform Issue Team Meeting

February 17

CRS Leader and Volunteer Meeting