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Protect the Pretrial Fairness Act: Virtual Action Event

Thanks to the organizing of directly impacted people, community members, advocates, and elected officials, the Pretrial Fairness Act has passed in the Illinois General Assembly! This means the unjust practice of wealth-based incarceration will end and our pretrial justice system would become fairer for everyone once the bill is signed into law and implemented!

But the fight is not over.

Law enforcement and their supporters have been speaking out against the legislation and asking the Governor to veto it. They are also attacking legislators who supported the bill and pressuring the legislature to repeal or amend the act to take away its protections for pretrial freedom! We need you to help us let elected officials know that Illinoisans support the Pretrial Fairness Act!

Please register to join the Illinois Network for Pretrial Justice and the Coalition to End Money Bond for a session of guided outreach to elected officials in a virtual communal setting.

By raising all of our voices together, we can protect pretrial freedom in Illinois and keep our communities safe from the devastation of unjust pretrial incarceration.

Read our blog articles to learn more about police accountability and racial justice.

February 23

Complicated Joy: A Conversation on Black Joy in the Movement for Black Lives