To close out Second Chance Month, gather with the CRS Organizing and Policy Team for a virtual teach-in via Zoom, where two presenters from Live Free Illinois and Hope House will discuss their reentry work for formerly incarcerated individuals. Additionally, there will be conversation on how reentry work ties into Second Chance Month and the campaign to end permanent punishments.
Goal: Learn about Second Chance Month and how communities can advocate for the end of permanent punishments on previously incarcerated individuals and their families. CRS wants people to leave the event educated with inspiring stories and information on how to aid and support reentry.
Call to Action: As a network of faith-based individuals, congregations, and organizations, we are called to support people in our communities, provide resources to those in need, and continue the efforts to end permanent punishments.
Registration is not required for this event.
Associate Pastor Darrin Brown
Pastor Deric Caples
Hope House was established in 1995. Hope House is a residential program designed to help equip and encourage men, striving to re-enter society after prison and/or recovery from substance abuse, to be productive Kingdom men. Through this ministry, the men are provided with foundational Biblical teachings, job readiness skills, and encouragement through a faith-oriented 12-step support program.
As a faith-based organizing force, Live Free Illinois seeks to grow the chorus of voices advocating for policies that transform Black communities, save lives, and actualize God’s grace in our justice system. That’s why they measure success in terms of the number of faith communities mobilizing across Illinois and the number of laws and policies they help reform. Live Free Illinois mobilizes Black churches to improve public safety and transform America’s broken justice system.