Your Role in the Georgia Runoff Elections

Early voting starts tomorrow in Georgia for the special election to be held on January 5. Voter turnout in the general election was exceptionally high among Black people. We must keep that momentum going. This special election will not only impact Georgia but will also decide the Senators for the state, impacting the balance of power in the United States Senate. Individuals from around the country can join the effort for record turnout in the runoffs. Contact your friends and family in Georgia and encourage them to vote.

The Black Alliance for Just Immigration has launched an effort to turnout voters in Georgia for the upcoming runoff elections. December 7 was the last day to register to vote. December 14 is the first day to start voting and January 5 is the last day to vote, election day. A lot is at stake for Black people and our country. We have an opportunity to take action and make changes like: expanding healthcare access for all Americans, dealing with and responding equitably to the Coronavirus pandemic, eliminating the burden of student debt, immigration reform and addressing the ever-pressing climate disaster.


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