Vote Yes! For Fair Tax
The General Election is November 3, 2020.
While our front line workers struggle, the number of individuals in need of food escalate and applications for unemployment skyrocket, the financial resources available to our state continue to decline. During this pandemic, fair tax reform is needed now more than ever. According to Governor Pritzker, projections show a possible 2021 deficit of more than $7 billion.
Illinois is one of only eight states in the U.S. to have a flat tax system, and for our state, this is constitutionally mandated. This old way of taxing income is unfair and inadequate and causes low-income households to pay almost double what the wealthiest pay in taxes. This is wrong and it does not raise enough revenue, leading to increases in property taxes and harmful cuts to education, human services, infrastructure, public safety and jobs. By raising the tax rate on the top 3%, Fair Tax reform will raise more than $3 billion to help fund state and local government, schools and human services.
During our statewide general election in November 2020, you will be asked to vote on a constitutional amendment to eliminate the requirement that Illinois tax income at a single rate. A ‘yes’ vote will allow Illinois to tax people with higher incomes above $250,000, at a higher rate and at lower rates for people with low and moderate incomes. Together, we can lift the unfair burden that is placed on the lower and middle classes and ask the wealthier people to pay their fair share. This will raise revenue for schools and other shared priorities, and ease the property tax crunch.
Everyone benefits from Fair Tax reform — but we can only win if everyone is involved. This November, remember to Vote Yes! For Fair Tax in Illinois. Learn more about how you can help the Vote Yes campaign in your community and endorse Fair Tax now as an individual or organization.
Sponsored by Vote Yes for Fair Tax.